1. Admission to the Library
All Students, Teachers, Employees of Rangapara College, not otherwise debarred are allowed Admission to the library.
2. Membership:
The following categories of persons shall become members of the Central Library:
(a) All the faculty members of Rangapara College.
(b) All the regular students of the college
(c) All other regular employees of the college.
(d) Person other than the above categories may be allowed to become member of the library as a special case on a request in writing from the person concerned. The decision of the Library authority in this regard shall be final. If a person is allowed to become a member of the library he/she shall pay an annual membership fee and security deposit. All eligible members shall fill up and sign a membership registration form available at the Circulation counter of the library.
3. Working hours of Library:
Working Hours From To Total
On all working Days 9 AM 5 PM 8 Hours
The above timings of the Library are subject to change from time to time which will duly be notified in the Notice Board of the Library/University.
4. Rules of Lending Books:
(a) Each member will have a Library ID Card according to the category to which he/she belongs to.
(b) The College ID Card is the Library ID Card.
(c) The Library ID Card is not transferable.
(d) Student members must come to the library personally and tender his/her Library ID Card at the circulation counter at the time of transaction.
(e) Membership of a student shall remain valid till he/she remains on the roll of the college.
(f) The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time.
(g) Loose issues of periodicals are not for issue except for faculty members, for only one day.
LIBRARY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE: A Library Clearance certificate may be issued to members only on returning all books borrowed and surrendering the Library Card.
5. Check out Limits (only books):
Student (PG): 4 books for 14 days
Student (With Major): 3 books for 14 days
Student (General): 2 books for 14 days
Student (HS): 2 books for 14 days
Teaching Staff: 3 books for 30 days
Non-teaching Staff: 2 books for 14 days
Library Staff: 2 books for 14 days
6. BookBank Facility
Under this facility 4 (four) books are issued to such students as belonging to:
a) Below Poverty line
b) SC/ ST category.
Separate BookBank forms are available in the circulation desk. Books under BookBank category are issued to students till the end of their Examinations.
7. Overdue Fine:
@ Rs.1.00/day
8. Loss of Library Identity Card
The loss of Library Identity Card should be reported immediately in writing to the Librarian and a fine of Rs.20/- will be charged for re-issue of a Library ID Card.
9. Loss or Damage of Borrowed Books
In case of loss of books borrowed by a user in his/her custody, the borrower shall be liable to replace the book or bear the cost of replacement. If the replacement is not done within 15 days, the defaulter will be charged as follows:-
(a) Three times the cost of the book, if the book is in print.
(b) Four times the cost of the book, if the book is out of print.
(c) If the book of a multi-volume set is lost or damaged, the member concerned shall be liable to replace the whole set or pay the cost of the same on the above line.
10. General Rules
(a) All kinds of personal belongings except notebook are to be kept in the property counter at the entrance.
(b) Silence is must be observed in the Reading room.
(c) Mobile phone in vibration mode only is permissible.
(d) Members shall not smoke or spit in any part of the library.
(e) While browsing books, no book should be replaced by the user on the stack themselves.
(f) Books once picked out from the stack should be left in the reading table if not issued out.
(g) The physical condition of the book should be checked while checking out. Mutilation of pages if found is to be brought to the notice of the circulation in-charge. Otherwise, the borrower himself/herself shall be responsible for mutilation of the book, if detected afterwards.
(h) Underlining, marking, folding of pages, etc. in the book is strictly prohibited.
(i) Upon any violation of the library rules, members shall forfeit privileges of admission and membership of the library.
(j) The librarian reserves the right to suspend or delinquent membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or behaving in an indecent manner.
(k) Members caught removing of pages/stealing books or otherwise mutilating books will be suspended forthwith from using library facilities and further disciplinary action will be initiated against him/her by the college authority