The Central Library, Rangapara College provides Research Support Service for strengthening the research activities by attending user queries related to various research guide tools like; Use of Electronic Resources, Grammar and Spelling Check (Grammarly) , Reference Style Guide (Mendeley, Zotero etc .), Author Identification/ ORCID, Citation Analysis (Scopus, WoS etc .)
Reference Management tools
The following are some reference management tools:
- Mendeley : Mendeley is a desktop and web program produced by Elsevier for managing and sharing research papers, discovering research data and collaborating online .
- Zotero : Zotero is a free, easy- to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources .
- ZoteroBib : ZoteroBib is a free service that helps you build a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software .
- EndNote : is a commercial reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles .
- RefWorks : is a commercial reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles .
- Crossref : makes research outputs easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse . A not- for-profit organization that exists to make scholarly communications better .
- NoodleTools : It is an integrated tools for note- taking, outlining, citation, document archiving/annotation, and collaborative research and writing .
- KnightCite : KnightCite is a free site that automatically produce MLA, APA, or Chicago style citations for 28 types of sources . It is provided by Hekman Library at Calvin College.
- Qiqqa : Qiqqa is award- winning free research management software, designed for commercial and academic researchers.
Bibliographic databases
Bibliographic databases, or indexing and abstracting databases, contain details of articles published in journals . It also sometimes provide an abstract ( summary) or full text of the item . Citation Indexes are a key research tool, providing access to multidisciplinary literature from high impact research journals .
Some of the useful bibliographic databases:
Choosing a citation style
For most papers, you will need to format your bibliography according to the citation style specified by your instructor or publisher . Some of the commonly used citation styles include:
- APA (American Psychological Association)
- Chicago (The Chicago Manual of Style)
- MLA (Modern Language Association)
Research Impact & Metrics
Article -level metrics: Article-level metrics quantify the reach and impact of published research .
- Citation count: How many times has your article been cited?
- In what journals are they being cited?
- Is the rate of citation steady over several years?
- Field- weighted citation impact (FWCI ): Field- weighted citation impact divides the number of citations received by a publication by the average number of citations received by publications in the same field, of the same type, and published in the same year . The world average is indexed to a value of 1. 00. Values above 1 .00 indicate above- average citation impact, and values below 1.00 likewise indicate below -average citation impact.
Author -level metrics: Author-level metrics address an author ™s productivity and diversity of reach.
- Scholarly output: How many publications have you written?
- Journal count: In how many distinct journals or journal categories have you published
- What is your H- index?
- How many times have you, as an author, been cited?
Journal or publisher metrics : Journal or publisher metrics address weights or prestige that particular publications are seen to carry . Some measures include:
- Journal Impact Factor : Journal Citation Reports to find the JIF used to rank journals . It is important to note that only journals indexed in Web of Science are measured -- Web of Science journals are limited by discipline and type of journal.
- SCImago Journal & Country Rank : SCImago Journal & Country Rank includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database .
- CiteScore : CiteScore is Scopus's method of measuring the citation impact of journals . It calculates the average number of citations received in a calendar year by all items published in that journal in the preceding three years .
- Eigenfactor and Article Influence : ranks the influence of journals and articles much as Google™ PageRank algorithm ranks the influence of web pages . By this approach, journals are considered to be influential if they are cited often by other influential journals .
- Google Scholar Metrics : Google Metrics assigns an h5 -index to journals. The h5-index is based on how many articles that journal has published and how many times articles have been cited .
- Impact per publication (IPP): IPP gives you a sense of the average number of citations that a publication published in the journal will likely receive. It measures the ratio of citations per article published in a journal. Unlike the standard impact factor, the IPP metric uses a three year citation window, widely considered to be the optimal time period to accurately measure citations in most subject fields .
Altmetrics :
ALTMETRICS ( Alternative Metrics) allow us to measure and monitor the reach and impact of scholarship and research through online interactions (primarily social media). Altmetrics are a complement to traditional metrics. For more info, please visit at
Altmetric is a web- based service that allows anyone to track, search, and measure the conversations about their research happening online on an article- by-article basis . Examples of some publishers that have incorporated altmetrics:
- PubMed ( Medline and more)
- arXiv. org
- Academia. edu
- Research Gate
- Mendeley
Get a Researcher ID
Researcher Identifiers are designed to distinguish your research activities and outputs from those with similar names . Some of are as follows:
Create an Online Profile
Benefits of an online profile :
- Collect your work in one place
- Track citations of your work automatically
- Allow users to Follow you and receive notifications of your new publications
Below are some of the options available online:
Creating a Google Scholar Profile has its own benefits because Google Scholar provides citation information from many disciplines and many types of publications : journal articles, conference papers, books, chapters, and grey literature.
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