Frequently Asked Questions

 1. Who are authorized to use the Library & Information Centre of Rangapara College?

All Students, Teachers, Employees of Rangapara College, not otherwise debarred are authorized to use the Library.


2. Can I bring my own book in the Library?

No. All kinds of personal belongings except notebook are to be kept in the property counter at the entrance.


3. Is there a fine for late return of books?

Yes. Rs. 1.00/day for all petrons.


4. Where can I pay Library dues?

Library dues can be paid in cash in the Circulation Counter of the library.


5. What are the issue/return timings in the Library?

Monday to Saturday from 9AM to 5PM


6. How many books a member get issued?

Following are the details of books to each category of Petrons:

§ Student (Postgraduate): 4 books for 14 days

§ Student (With Major): 3 books for 14 days

§ Student (General): 2 books for 14 days

§ Student (HS): 2 books for 14 days

§ Teaching Staff: 3 books for 30 days

§ Non-teaching Staff: 2 books for 14 days

§ Library Staff: 2 books for 14 days


7. How can I recommend a book for purchase in the Library?

An authorized user can recommend a book for purchase by filling-in a “Book recommendation Form” that can be obtained from the Library Website. The form should then be routed through your Head of the Department for his recommendation.


8. I have lost a book, what am I required to do?

Immediately report in the library by writing application to librarian. Then after you have to submit the new copy of the same book to the library within stipulated time.


9. If I do not get the book on shelve what can I do?

First contact concerned staff responsible for shelving of books in that area. You may also contact professionals in counter or In-charge, Circulation Section.